How To Repair Hard Drive using Command Checkdisk / CHKDSK.EXE.

Be a congenital Windows tool that we can use to test and improve the condition of the hard drive. Run the command Be routinely is also one way to treat and improve the performance of your computer. Generally quite with the command CHKDSK.EXE this we've been able to fix keruksakan on the hard drive such as bad sectors, lost clusters, cross-linked files, and directory errors. The command can Be run in two ways, namely via the Command Promt and via My Computer or Windows Explorer.

1. run the command CHKDSK at the Command Prompt.

On the display the Command Prompt type the command: CHKDSK d:
-These commands will run CHKDSK on the D Drive in read-only mode.

Type command: CHKDSK d:/f
-These commands are used to repair errors without scanning for bad sectors.

Type command: CHKDSK d:/R
-These commands are used to repair errors, locate bad sectors, and recover data.

If want to display what options we can do just typing the command help with how to type the command: CHKDSK/?

2. run the command CHKDSK on My Computer or Windows Explorer.

- Open Windows Explorer, or My Computer.
- Right click on the hard drive that you want to check, click Properties.
- Click the Tools tab, in the option Error Checking click Check Now ... "
- Check disk options window will appear.
cara memperbaiki hardisk
- To run Chkdsk in read-only mode, click Start.
- To repair errors in the file system, check the automatically fix file systemerrors,
- To fix the error, look for bad sectors and recover data select the scan for andattempt recovery of bad 
- You can also select both of these options if necessary.

When a pops up a message: Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another process. Chkdsk may run if this volume is down first. ALL HandlesOPENED For VOLUME WILL BECOME INVALID. Would you like to force adismount on this volume? (Y/N) type Y and Enter.

When a pops up a message: Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another process. Would you like to schedule this volume to be checked the next time the system restarts? (Y/N) Type Y, and ENTER and then restart the computer to run Scandisk.

To repair the hard drive using the command CHKDSK/Be utilities, there are a few methods that we can do, namely:
  1. If the computer can still be booted and logged into windows then two ways to run CHKDSK.EXE over (via the command prompt or Windows Explorer) can be done.
  2. If the hard drive can't boot, then we have to take the hard drive and install it on another computer, and then run the command CHKDSK/Be.
  3. Use the Setup CD Windows and the command CHKDSK is run through theRecovery Console. .
  4. Using UBCD4WIN CD. I click Start-Programs-Tools-Disk Diagnostic, click Check Disk.
So how to fix a hard drive using standard Windows utilities: Be/CHKDSK.EXE, and from some of my own experience in computer repair, this tool provedeffective enough to deal with the keruksakan on your hard disk. Next time Iwill try to detail about how to fix the bad sectors of hard drives. May be able to help

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